Thursday, April 28, 2011

Art in Gaidai

Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items in a way that
influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions and intellect. 

When we walk outside, we can find many kinds of art, which are beautiful, simple, huge, small, etc. One can be impressed by something and the others cannot. One likes something and the others do not. 

We can find art in our campus of Kansai Gaidai University. We have some art objects, which we do not pay attention usually. 

This is the stone object, which we  can find soon when we enter the gate of Kansai Gaidai. This is comparatively new one. 

This is the art we can find at the library. This is the smaller version and we can find the huge version of this on the back wall of the library. 

This is the art object which we can find on the right side when we enter the gate. 

This is the art object which we can find next to the students' ground. 

This is an art object which we can find at circle open space near Mc Donald's. 

This is the art object which we can find near the 1st cafeteria. 

As I mentioned above, we have many art objects in our campus. 
We, Gaidai students seldom care about them though they are always there. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fashion is...

Clothing is a very important and indispensable thing for human beings to protect our body.
However, not only to protect our body but also to enjoy, we, human beings, use clothes. 

As many different kinds of people exist in this world, each of us has a different taste toward many things, the taste in color,  characteristics, people, movies, books, music, and fashion. 

And of course the role the fashion plays in people's life differs. 

For her fashion is...
the supplementation her negative aspect. 

She said she wears clothes to express what she cannot express by her words. 

For them fashion is...
the exact expression of their thought.

They said they wear clothes because they express themselves by wearing clothes how they want to be looked like.

For her fashion is...
the best way to express herself.

For him fashion is...
the opportunity to make new friends. 

He said fashion is the best key to start a conversation and to know the people better. 

For her fashion is...
to add one more color to herself. 

As I walk everywhere, I see many people in very unique clothes, which are very interesting to me. And actually when I meet new people, I often judge people by the ways they are wearing because the stuff people have may represent what kind of person he or she is. Therefore, I believe fashion plays a very important role in our daily lives and in a relationship between people. 

"Fashion is not something that exist in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with the ideas, the way we live, what is happening. " Coco Chanel